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Investing for Impact – Managing and Measuring Proactive Social Investments

Autores/Participantes : Mark R. Kramer, Sarah Cooch

This 2006 study, commissioned by the Shell Foundation, and prepared by FSG, sees strong growth and opportunity in the nascent field of proactive social investment (PSI). In a typical PSI, a socially-responsible corporation or a charitable foundation uses its capital to invest in new enterprises that can play a critical role in alleviating a societal problem. Although still a very small share of investments, the report estimates that PSIs total nearly US$15 billion, and are attracting increasing interest among foundations and corporations. The study, based on in-depth interviews with 36 pioneers in social investment from the US and Europe, validates the belief that PSIs can simultaneously deliver measurable social benefits and attractive rates of return.

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Copyright 2006 Foundation Strategy Group