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Convergence: How Five Trends Will Reshape the Social Sector

Autores/Participantes : Alex Hildebrand, David La Piana, Heather Gowdy, Melissa Mendes Campos

This report highlights five key trends and how their coming together will shape the social sector of the future. Based on extensive review of existing research and in-depth interviews with thought leaders and nonprofit leaders and activists, it explores the trends (Demographic Shifts; Technological Advances; Networks Enabling Work to be Organized in New Ways; Rising Interest in Civic Engagement and Volunteerism; and Blurring of Sector Boundaries) and looks at the ways nonprofits can successfully navigate the changes. The monograph is by La Piana Consulting, a national firm dedicated to strengthening nonprofits and foundations.

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2009 The James Irvine Foundation. This edition of Focus may be reprinted or photocopied for free distribution, with attribution to The James Irvine Foundation.