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World Giving Index 2015: a global view of giving trends
The CAF World Giving Index, now in its sixth year, is a leading authority on global generosity. It provides a simple picture of charitable behaviour across the world. The CAF World Giving Index measures the average percentage of people in each country who donate money, volunteer or help a stranger. 145 countries were surveyed in 2015, representing around 96% of the world’s population. The key findings are: What are the key findings? – Myanmar, which shared first place with the USA in 2014, tops the 2015 CAF World Giving Index. The USA and New Zealand make up the rest of the top three. – Some of the world’s most generous countries are among the most deprived. The G-20, which represents the world’s largest economies, accounts for only 5 of the top 20 countries in the CAF World Giving Index. – For the first time since 2008, men are now more likely to give money than women. – People from Iraq were most likely to have helped a stranger, replacing the United States which came top last year. Our great infographic shows how people around the world are helping strangers everyday. – There has been a recovery in young people’s generosity, helping to reduce the generation gap which sees much more giving among older people.