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The Pressure Group Mini-Guide #1: Advocacy & Campaigning: an overview

Autores/Participantes : Ian Chandler

Created by The Pressure Group Consultancy, each guide in the “Advocacy & Campaigning” series is just four pages of clear, focussed and accessible help to anyone wanting to make world a better place. They are based on 30 years of Ian Chandler’s work in advocacy and campaigning, using tried and tested models and tools.

The “Mini-guide #1: Advocacy & Campaigning – an overview” is defining key terms and giving an overview of different approaches to advocacy and campaigning (as well as the common weaknesses of much advocacy), mini-guide #1 also introduces the “Advocacy & Campaigning Cycle” and the associated “Planning Pathway” that make all planning more effective and efficient.

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Copyright The Pressure Group 2018