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The Index of Global Philanthropy and Remittances: With a Special Report on Emerging Economies

The Center for Global Prosperity (CGP) at Hudson Institute is pleased to present the 2013 Index of Global Philanthropy and Remittances. This edition, our eighth Index, continues to show the growth in philanthropy, remittances and private investment throughout the world. It continues to show how private financial flows have surpassed government aid, and how new forms of giving are redefining foreign assistance and economic growth. This year’s Index is a groundbreaking initiative which is supported by Canada’s International Development Research Centre. CGP has measured the private financial flows of selected emerging economies to the developing world. Through partnerships with philanthropic institutions in Brazil, China, India, and South Africa, we have measured and reported on these countries’ government aid, philanthropy, remittances and private investment to developing countries. Along with our data from developed countries over the last 8 years on these same financial flows, we can present a more complete picture of countries’ total economic engagement with the developing world.

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Copyright 2013 Hudson Institute.