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2017 Global Trends in Giving Report
The 2017 Global Trends in Giving Report (givingreport.ngo) is a research project that seeks to gain a better understanding of how donors prefer to give and engage with their favorite causes and charitable organizations. Sponsored by the Public Interest Registry (pir.org) and researched by Nonprofit Tech for Good (nptechforgood.com), the report summarizes donor data across six continents about how online and mobile technology effects giving. The report also examines the impact of gender, generation, and ideology upon giving and volunteerism. The 2017 Global Trends in Giving Report is unique in that it is the only annual study dedicated to analyzing the giving habits of donors worldwide and is a sister report to the Global NGO Technology Report (techreport.ngo). The data from both reports is meant to help non-governmental organizations (NGOs), nonprofit organizations (NPOs), and charities worldwide better understand if they are using technology in the ways that their donors prefer and where they need to improve.