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#WebinarWednesday – No. 8: COVID-19 and Impact Investing

Autores/Participantes : Jory Cohen, Kelly Gauthier, Shannon Rohan

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Philanthropic Foundations Canada (PFC) is amplifying the voices of sector leaders responding to COVID-19. In the spirit of offering alternative means of capacity building, they have launched #WebinarWednesday, a weekly resource that brings sector leaders to discuss topics that impact the philanthropic work. As part of the Foundation Investing 2.0 work (a project that is designed for those who want to learn, begin, or deepen and scale their impact and responsible investing activities), this webinar will help foundations to view the current pandemic through the lens of impact investing. Foundations can play a large key role, both in the short term through emergency grants to the community, and as impact investors to create a post-COVID-19 economy that is more sustainable, equitable and just.

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Copyright Philanthropic Foundations Canada (PFC) 2020