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#WebinarWednesday – No. 6: COVID-19, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Autores/Participantes : Adam Saifer, Hanifa Kassam, Jon Waitzer, Sarah Jama

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Philanthropic Foundations Canada (PFC) is amplifying the voices of sector leaders responding to COVID-19. In the spirit of offering alternative means of capacity building, they have launched #WebinarWednesday, a weekly resource that brings sector leaders to discuss topics that impact the philanthropic work. This sixth webinar will dig deeper into what the “Five Guiding Principles for Supporting Grantees” actually mean, through a people-centered approach. The event also counts with the participation of Sarah Jama (Disability Justice Network of Ontario), Hanifa Kassam (Laidlaw Foundation), Jon Waitzer (Resource Movement) and Adam Saifer (postdoctoral researcher with PhiLab on “Diversity, Equity & Inclusion” philanthropy).

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Copyright Philanthropic Foundations Canada (PFC) 2020