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#WebinarWednesday – No. 1: COVID-19 and Philanthropy’s Response

Autores/Participantes : Claire Trottier, Conrad Sauvé, Jean-Marc Mangin, Kevin McCort, Marcel Lauzière

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Philanthropic Foundations Canada (PFC) is amplifying the voices of sector leaders responding to COVID-19. In the spirit of offering alternative means of capacity building, they have launched #WebinarWednesday, a weekly resource that brings sector leaders to discuss topics that impact the philanthropic work. This first webinar concentrates on programming and the changing needs of grantees, and covers the following topics: Canadian Public Health Goals: what are the challenges and likely consequences of flattening the curve for vulnerable populations? (with Claire Trottier, McGill microbiology and immunology); Canadian Red Cross: National Perspectives on Priorities, Coordination and Communications (with Conrad Sauvé, Canadian Red Cross); Community response: the case of Vancouver (with Kevin McCort, Vancouver Foundation); Foundation response: two examples (Marcel Lauzière, Lawson Foundation and; Claude Pinard, Fondation Mirella et Lino Saputo); Sector response update (Jean-Marc Mangin, PFC).

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Copyright Philanthropic Foundations Canada (PFC) 2020