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Webinar: How Foundations Can Use Knowledge Management Tools to Advance Internal Equity and Inclusion
Adicionar aos "Meus Favoritos" Acesse site de origemExternal changes to grantmaking practices are not enough for foundations seeking to embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion. Many philanthropic organizations have not yet fully grasped the need for an even more direct intervention: addressing internal equity challenges. Knowledge management, an intentional strategy of getting the right knowledge to the right people at the right time to improve organizational performance, can offer a compelling path to address those challenges. Mapping how and through whom knowledge flows within an organization can reveal potential inequities, repression, exclusion, and lack of opportunity, allowing for the creation of targeted, sustainable solutions. This December 2020 webinar, hosted by Donita Volkwijn and Mae Hong, provides insight on how effective knowledge management can help donors advance equity and inclusion goals internally.