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Supporting civil society during the Covid-19 pandemic: The potentials of online collaborations for social accountability

Autores/Participantes : Per Aarvik, Saul Mullard

There are significant corruption risks during times of crisis. Civil society has an important role to play in ensuring funds to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic reach their destination. Donors and multilateral organisations should consider establishing digital accountability networks to support this effort. The current crisis presents challenges for civil society; however, there are also new opportunities for it to embrace digital civic engagement as an anti-corruption initiative. For this reason, the report “Supporting civil society during the Covid-19 pandemic: The potentials of online collaborations for social accountability” covers the following topics: the current challenges for civil society; the opportunities for civil society during the pandemic; examples of digital civic participation; considerations for establishing digital accountability networks; and how to support civil society anti-corruption  and social accountability initiatives during the pandemic.

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Copyright Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI) 2020