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Inclusive Systemic Evaluation for Gender equality, Environments and Marginalized voices (ISE4GEMs): A new approach for the SDG era
With the advent of the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), there is a call for new approaches and methodologies to understand and evaluate combinations of these global challenges, their integrated nature, and their complexities. With SDGs in mind, the UN Women Independent Evaluation Service initiated the development of a new evaluation approach entitled, Inclusive Systemic Evaluation for Gender Equality, Environments and Marginalized Voices (ISE4GEMs).
The ISE4GEMs approach brings together innovative systemic evaluation practice with intersectional analysis. The Guide is underpinned by inclusive systemic thinking and organizes evaluative practice to capture the intersectional linkages that shape the lives of human and environmental systems.
This Guide is meant to facilitate evaluation practitioners in applying the ISE4GEMs approach by providing both
concept and practical tools