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How philanthropic foundations support gender equality and women’s empowerment

This paper examines gender-related philanthropic giving in developing countries amid rising funding needs for gender equality, persistent inequalities, and a global gender backlash. It analyses support from 44 domestic and 40 cross-border foundations reporting to the OECD Centre on Philanthropy and the Creditor Reporting System, respectively. It finds that gender-related domestic disbursements have slightly risen from USD 27 million in 2016 to USD 30 million in 2019. Cross-border philanthropic commitments towards gender equality have tripled in five years, reaching an average of USD 3.4 billion per year in 2021-2022. However, 68% of cross-border giving towards developing countries remains gender-blind, potentially reinforcing existing gender gaps. Funding remains limited to few actors, with ten international foundations providing 97% of total cross-border giving for gender equality in developing countries. Finally, intersectoral approaches remain underfunded, with cross-border philanthropic giving addressing simultaneously climate change and gender equality in developing countries amounting on average to USD 557 million per year in 2021-2022.

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