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Preparing to Deepen Action: A Funder Collaborative Finds its Way

Autores/Participantes : Pearl Mattenson

The formation of the Jewish Teen Education and Engagement Funder Collaborative was the result of a process begun by the Jim Joseph Foundation in 2013.  The first 24 months of this  process was thoughtfully documented in a case study issued in January 2015 by Informing Change, entitled, Finding New Paths for Teen Engagement and Learning: A Funder Collaborative Leads the Way.

This case study documents the next stage of the Funder Collaborative’s development, roughly the 21-month period from January 2015 through October 2016 and reflects the Collaborative’s commitment to share its process with others who may choose to embark on their own co-funding endeavor. The study explores the Collaborative’s experience as it deepens its work in the realm of action and slowly considers how to move toward impact.

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Copyright 2017 The Jewish Teen Education and Engagement Funder Collaborative.